There Are No Romanians In Pakistan Terror Boot Camps – Romanian Intelligence Service

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) holds no data and was not informed by any foreign intelligence service regarding the participation of Romanian citizens in terrorist training camps in Pakistan, said SRI spokesman Marius Bercaru.


"SRI, as national authority in the prevention and fight against terrorism, does not hold any data regarding the participation of Romanian citizens in terrorist training camps in Pakistan," SRI spokesman Marius Bercaru told MEDIAFAX.

He added SRI was not informed by any foreign intelligence service, with which SRI partners, on the potential involvement of Romanians in such terrorist training camps.

SRI Issued this statement in relation with an article published by ABC News last week, according to which dozens of white Europeans have trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan's tribal regions in recent months and government officials suspect the terrorists, recruited in Europe, have been dispatched to plan attacks against Europe and possibly the United States.

According to the article the alleged terrorists hail from Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Romania and Estonia.

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