USA To Introduce 3% Threshold On Visa Waiver Program

The US Embassy in Romania receives between 150 and 350 visa requests every day in Romania, and the rejection rate for fiscal year 2008 was 25%, US General Consul James Gray told MEDIAFAX, adding that starting with July 1 the 3% refusal threshold will be reintroduced for the Visa Waiver program.


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USA To Introduce 3% Threshold On Visa Waiver Program

According to Gray, the refusal rate is calculated depending on the number of tourism and business visa requests introduced in the entire world during one fiscal year.
"For Romania, the refusal rate for fiscal year 2008 (October 1, 2007- September 30, 2008) was 25%," Gray said. He added however that the 10% threshold that allows qualification in the Visa Waiver program will drop to 3% starting with July 1, 2009, once Homeland Security introduces a biometric system of monitoring exits on US airports.

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