BT Asset Management Cleared to Acquire Pension Fund Certinvest Pensii

BT Asset Management and BT Investments, part of the Banca Transilvania Financial Group, have been cleared by the financial supervisory authority to acquire 100% of Certinvest Pensii, the only local player among private pension funds administrators in Romania.


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BT Asset Management Cleared to Acquire Pension Fund Certinvest Pensii

Banca Transilvania Financial Group announced in October 2019 its intention to expand its financial services for its over 3 million clients through an investment in the field of private pensions.

“We are starting with almost 10,000 clients and over RON75 million to manage. A period of integration of Certinvest Pensii into BT Financial Group and of preparation for clients will follow,” said Aurel Bernat, CEO of BT Asset Management.

The transaction was assisted by BT Capital Partners, the investment banking and capital markets company of BT Financial Group.

BT Asset Management is a company of Banca Transilvania Financial Group, specialized in investment management through open and closed funds. It currently has assets amounting to over RON4.2 billion, manages 14 open investments funds and has over 45,000 clients.


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