Over One Million New Labor Contracts Registered In Romania Under New Labor Code - PM

Nearly one million new work contracts have been registered in Romania since the new Labor Code took effect, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday at the summer school of his ruling Democratic Liberal Party’s youth organization.


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Over One Million New Labor Contracts Registered In Romania Under New Labor Code - PM

"The Labor Code, a much criticized reform the opposition said would legalize slavery in Romania, led to the registration of nearly one million work contracts in four months," said Boc.

"In the four months since the new Labor Code took effect, 967,548 new work contracts have been registered, of which 642,485, or 66.40%, were for indefinite periods, and 325,063, or 33.60%, for determined periods. During the same period, 237,129 work contracts have been terminated," said Boc, adding over 700,000 new labor contracts are currently underway.

The prime minister said Romania has over six million registered work contracts, higher than in 2008.

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