Romania Accedes To EU Competitiveness Pact - President

Romania acceded to the pact for Euro Plus, or the EU pact for competitiveness, Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday in Brussels.


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Romania Accedes To EU Competitiveness Pact - President

"A key decision taken today was the creation of the pact for Euro Plus. Until this Council meeting, it was called the pact for competitiveness," said the head of state, who participated in the spring meeting of the European Council in Brussels. He added Romania was one of the six countries willing to accede to the pact.

Basescu said the pact aims to stimulate competitiveness and employment, fight the black labor market, increase the sustainability of public finances and strengthen financial stability.

The head of state highlighted that the measures taken by Romanian authorities in 2010 are similar to the pact's objectives.

Non-eurozone countries Bulgaria, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland joined Euro Plus alongside Romania, the Romanian Presidency said in a press release. The measures stated in the pact will be transposed into national reform programs, according to the Presidency.

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