Romanian Constitutional Court Rules Magistrates Council Member Validation Illegal

Romania’s Constitutional Court in Tuesday upheld complaints by democrat liberal senators on the validation of 11 members of the High Council of Magistrates, appointed for six-year terms.


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Romanian Constitutional Court Rules Magistrates Council Member Validation Illegal

The Senate on December 22, 2010 validated the list of 11 members elected in the High Council of Magistrates with 64 votes in favor and 60 against.

Democrat liberals said during debates they oppose to the validation of the list, arguing that judges Lidia Barbulescu and Dan Lupascu, as well as prosecutor Dan Chiujdea - who had also been elected CSM members in 2004 - cannot be reelected.

Law 317/2004 regulating the High Council of Magistrates, which was amended in 2005, states that CSM members are elected to a six-year term and cannot be reelected.

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