Romanian Govt Expects To Collect About RON2B From Car Pollution Tax In '11

The Romanian Government expects to collect about 2 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2493) from the car pollution tax this year, up RON437.5 million compared to the sum estimated to have been collected in 2010 and triple compared to that collected in 2009.


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Romanian Govt Expects To Collect About RON2B From Car Pollution Tax In '11

The money is directed to the Environment Fund, whose recently adopted 2011 budget states car pollution tax revenues amounting to RON2.057 billion.

According to estimations, 2010 car pollution tax revenues amount to RON1.62 billion. In 2009, the Government collected RON630 million from the tax, as the number of car registrations decreased.

The Romanian Government decided at the end of 2010 to hike the car pollution tax by an average 45-50% starting 2011, and the tax will be set considering the age of the car, its engine size and the amount of pollution it produces.

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