Romanian Govt OKs Hospital Network Construction

The Romanian Government gave the green light to the Health Ministry to build a network of six emergency hospitals in public-private partnership, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.


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Romanian Govt OKs Hospital Network Construction

According to the sources, the hospitals will be built in Cluj, Craiova, Iasi, Targu Mures, Timisoara and capital Bucharest.

The decision was taken during the Cabinet meeting Wednesday.

The information was later confirmed by the Government spokesperson, who said Prime Minister Emil Boc will soon hold a news conference on the matter.

Health Minister Attila Cseke told MEDIAFAX earlier the ministry plans to build a network of six emergency hospitals. He said the hospital construction, financed with private funds, will cost about EUR1.5 billion. The ministry will ensure the land on which hospitals will be built.

The health minister said construction work might start in 14 or 16 months.

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