Romanian PM Says Transylvania Hwy Works To Continue, Govt Seeks Funding

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday works on the Transylvania Highway will continue in 2011, adding the Government is seeking ways to continue funding the project.


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Romanian PM Says Transylvania Hwy Works To Continue, Govt Seeks Funding

U.S. constructor Bechtel, which is building the highway, said in November it started procedures to lay off its over 800 employees working on the project, arguing the construction area is not ready for further works and the Romanian state has not paid its debts for works in 2010.

Prime Minister Emil Boc and Transport Minister Anca Boagiu cut the ribbon on November 13 to open a new ten-kilometer section of the Transylvania Highway between Turda and Campia Turzii in northwestern Romania. A first 42-kilometer section of the Transylvania Highway, which is designed to be 415-kilometers long, was completed and opened to traffic in December last year.

The construction of the Transylvania Highway, which links central Brasov to western Bors on the border with Hungary, started in 2004 based on a EUR2.2 billion contract attributed to U.S. constructor Bechtel. Works were halted mid-2005, when authorities started looking into contracts concluded under the previous government. The deadline for the completion of works was extended until 2013 from the initial 2012.

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