Romanian Tourism Min Says Hotel Owners Who Don’t Invest May Be Expropriated

Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Saturday owners of hotels in spa resorts who bought them “for nothing” and keep them in ruins risk fines or confiscation, adding a law in this respect already exists.


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Romanian Tourism Min Says Hotel Owners Who Don’t Invest May Be Expropriated

Udrea said hotel owners who don't invest may be expropriated after the mayor Sangeorz-Bai, Roland Venig, told her the resort isn't too popular because hotel owners have not invested to attract tourists.

"We'll have to resort to expropriation. We've passed a law recently that eases expropriation procedures and the state has the right to take over buildings in tourist resorts that are not upgraded and used for tourist purposes," said Udrea.

She added privatizations in the tourism sector over the past 20 years have been made defectively.

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