ALDE Chairman: Norica Nicolai To Head Party European Election Lists

The chairman of Romanian ruling coalition party ALDE, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, announced on Wednesday that his party will run on separate lists from government partners PSD in the upcoming European Parliament elections, and that the group's list will be headed by current MEP Norica Nicolai.

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ALDE Chairman: Norica Nicolai To Head Party European Election Lists

Tariceanu announced that the following spots on the ALDE MEP list were assigned to Daniel Barbu, current MEP Renate Weber, former transports minister Ovidiu Silaghi, party deputy chairman Varujan Vosganian and MEP Andrei Gerea.

“The ALDE list is set in place. There will not be (a common list with PSD). We are a smaller party, we can make gains and thus decided to start our campaign as fast as possible,” said Tariceanu, who is also the chairman of Romania’s Senate.

The European Parliament election in Romania is set to take place on May 26.


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