Billionaire Beny Steinmetz Interviewed By Israeli Authorities On Tipp-Off From Romania

Israeli businessman Beny Steinmentz and long-time Romania-based political consultant Tal Silberstein were interviewed by Israeli prosecutors after being tipped off by Romanian authorities, according to sources cited by the Israeli media.


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Billionaire Beny Steinmetz Interviewed By Israeli Authorities On Tipp-Off From Romania

The two are suspected of offering bribes to Romanian government officials to promote the interests of his mining company BSGR, Israeli judicial sources told Calcalist newspaper.

Steinmetz and Silberstein were previously place in protective custody in August 2017 for multiple charges, including forgery, money laundering, fraud, trust abuse and obstruction of justice.

The billionaire’s arrest was related to an investigation of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate, according to Haaretz. The businessman accused Hungarian-American investor George Soros of carrying out a “campaign against him”.

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