BMW To Launch New X6 Model In Romania By Mid-Summer

German carmaker BMW will launch its X6 model in Romania by mid-summer, BMW spokesman Andreas Lampka said Wednesday.


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BMW To Launch New X6 Model In Romania By Mid-Summer

“X6 targets a different category of customers compared to X5, mostly due to the different number of seats. X5 offers seven seats, while X6, which is a niche model, has four seats,” Lampka told MEDIAFAX reporters at the Geneva Motor Show.
He said sales on BMW X6 in Romania are not expected to surpass the ones of the X5 model.
The prices for the Romanian market of the new BMW X6 are yet to be set, Lampka said.
In Germany, the basic version of the new X6 will cost EUR56,000.
BMW sales in Romania totaled 2,727 units in 2007, up 65% on year. The top-traded model was X5 (809 units), followed by Series 3 (746) and X3 (473).

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