Bucharest Court Magistrates To Cease Activity Come Aug 31

Bucharest Court vice president Laura Andrei said Friday the magistrates will cease all activities starting from Monday, except the preventive measures trials and those involving the placement of minors, while judges will refuse assignments to electoral offices.


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Bucharest Court Magistrates To Cease Activity Come Aug 31

Andrei said the General Assembly of Judges that convened on Thursday noted issues with the unitary wage law, saying the law infringes article 1 of the Constitution, which refers to equality among the three state powers.

Starting from August 31, the Bucharest Court will only rule in criminal trials involving preventive measures and the civil trials involving the placement of minors , Andrei added.

All other trials will have their terms postponed.

Activities at the Office of Trade Registry will remain unchanged, with only one session per month. 

Court staff will refuse assignments to electoral offices. Starting from September 1 the auxiliary staff and the union members will cease all front desk activities.

Andrei added the magistrates will also consider other forms of protest against the unitary wage law, after the talks between the High Council of Magistrates (CSM), judiciary associations and Government.

Andrei added she hopes the Bucharest Court of Appeals supports their decision by adopting similar forms of protest.

The economic manager of the Bucharest Court of Appeals said the salaries of Romanian judges will drop by up to 60% through the unitary wage law.

The president of the Association of Magistrates in Romania, Mona Pivniceru, said Thursday that the unitary pay law cannot qualify as law, because its principles are unclear, and the content keeps changing. Pivniceru added the Government refuses to discuss this topic with the judicial authority.

The representatives of the CSM left, Tuesday, the talks on the unitary pay law, displeased that the debates at the Government focused on a variant that had not been sent to them as well.

The president of the CSM, Virgil Andreies, asked Prime Minister Emil Boc Tuesday to send him the latest draft of the unitary pay law, so that magistrates can view it and comment.


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