Bucharest Traffic Jams Risk Blocking Emergency Call No. 112

The emergency call number 112 risks to be blocked due to the large number of calls received from divers complaining about traffic jams in Romania’s capital city of Bucharest, said Adrian Fulea, spokesperson with the Special Telecommunication Service, or STS.


“We ask drivers not to use the emergency number 112, because this number is destined for emergencies only, such cases in which people’s safety and health are in jeopardy. For traffic problems they can call the traffic police at 9544,” said Fulea.

The single European emergency call number is destined for emergencies only, like fires, accidents, medical emergencies, disasters and other such events that involve the rapid intervention of special services.

Cristian Ciocan, spokesperson with Bucharest’s Police Department said traffic in Bucharest is jammed following heavy rains and the large number of citizens who chose to use their cars during the holiday season.

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