Code Red Warning of Windstorms Issued for Ialomita and Calarasi Counties

Romanian meteorologists issued a code red warning of windstorms for the Calarasi and Ialomita counties, in southeastern Romania, predicting torrential rain, strong winds and large-scale hailstorms on Monday afternoon.


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Code Red Warning of Windstorms Issued for Ialomita and Calarasi Counties

The warning was in effect until 18.30 local time on Monday. According to meteorologists, winds could take on a tornado-like aspect during the events, possibly reaching speeds of up to 110 km/h.

The town of Drajna in Calarasi county was affected by a tornado last week, which left at least ten houses without rooftops.

Romania’s General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) mobilized more than 180 military firefighters, who were place on stand-by to intervene in the area if deemed necessary. Citizens in the affected areas were also sent warning messages on their phones through the Ro-Alert system.

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