Criminal Suit Filed Against Romanian Hospital

Niculae Gament Antoniu, the husband of Romanian operetta soloist Amelia Antoniu, filed on Wednesday a criminal complaint against the CF2 hospital, where his wife was being treated when she went into septic shock last month.


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Criminal Suit Filed Against Romanian Hospital

Antoniu said he may use his position as attorney, member of the Bucharest Bar, to also represent Alice Preda, a woman who also went into septic shock and was rushed to an emergency hospital at the same time as his wife.

According to people close to the matter, the charge made in the complaint is corporal injury by negligence. The sources said the investigation will be carried out by police officers under the supervision of a prosecutor.

Romania's Health Ministry announced in late April that the two women's conditions were caused by the treatment received at CF2, after the pathogen Burkholderia cepacia was found in the blood of one of the patients.

Amelia Antoniu, 36, first soloist of the National "Ion Dacian" Operetta Theater, and Alice Roxana Preda, 35, were rushed from the CF2 Hospital to the Bucharest Emergency University Hospital on April 20 and were placed in intensive care in critical condition, with acute respiratory issues following septic shocks.

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