Defense Minister Interviewed By Senate Committee On Russia-Ukraine Incident

Romanian Defense Minister Gabriel Les was interview on Tuesday by the Senate’s defense committee, with regards to the incident registered last week in the Azov Sea between Russia and Ukraine.


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Defense Minister Interviewed By Senate Committee On Russia-Ukraine Incident

“The minister will present us several aspects regarding the Azov Sea conflict between Russia and Ukraine”, committee chairman Liviu Brailoiu stated at the beginning of the meeting, which started at 12.00 local time.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on November 26 that Romania is ready for any scenario and any measure, regarding the Azov Sea incident, specifying that he requested the parties involved to treat the conflict with calm.

Russian forces captured three Ukrainian military ships last week, following an incident near the Kerch Strait, which connects the Black Sea with the Azov Sea.

Ships of the Russian FSB opened fire on the Ukrainian ships, stating that they ignored warnings and entered Russian territorial waters without authorization. All 24 crew members of the three ships were arrested.

Following the incident, Ukraine instated martial law in its border regions with Russia for the following 30 days, and denounced the conflict as a “Russian aggression”.

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