Defense Ministry Files Complaint Against President’s Renewal Of Joint Chief Of Staff’s Term

Romania’s Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that it filed a complaint with the Presidential Administration against the decision made by President Klaus Iohannis to renew the term of the current joint chief of staff, General Nicolae Ciuca.


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Defense Ministry Files Complaint Against President’s Renewal Of Joint Chief Of Staff’s Term

In its complaint, the ministry requests the head of state to cancel the decree extending the general’s term, arguing that it must follow the same procedure as the one appointing a new chief, where the proposal is made by the defense minister.

The ministry also adds that the decree lacks a positive review from the prime-minister, which is also required when appointing a new joint chief of staff.

Ministry sources told MEDIAFAX that if the complaint is not taken into account, the institution will file an administrative litigation challenge against the decision. The administration has 30 days to reply to the complaint.

President Klaus Iohannis issued a decree on December 28 extending the term of Gen. Ciuca for another year, after he refused the nomination made by Defense Minister Gabriel Les for the office.

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