Democrats, Liberal Democrats Cannot Decide On New Party Structure

Fights have already started between democrats and liberal democrats, who last week decided to form one party, on such matters as merger, legal status, patrimony and the influence of each party in the future organization.

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Democrats, Liberal Democrats Cannot Decide On New Party Structure

Last week, democrats and liberal democrats approved the setting up of a new party that was named the Democratic Liberal Party, led by Democratic Party president Emil Boc.

However, only one week after the setting up of the new party, democrats and liberal democrats have problems organizing it.

The Democratic Party, or PD, insists that the new party be set up through merger through absorption while the Liberal Democratic Party, or PLD, opted for merger.

Democrats are against changing the party’s name while PLD refused to give in to the idea of absorption.

Democrats are afraid that changing their name could lead to losing their seats in Parliament. PLD leader Valeriu Stoica said this is exactly why liberal democrats opted for the idea of merger, as PD would disappear and a new party, the Democratic Liberal Party, or PDL, would take its place. 

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