EC Might Close 112 Emergency No Infringement Case Against Romania Early ‘09

The European Commission might close the infringement case against Romania over the 112 single EU emergency phone call number in early 2009, following Romania’s success in implementing caller location for mobile telephony networks, the authorities in Brussels said in a statement Monday.


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EC Might Close 112 Emergency No Infringement Case Against Romania Early ‘09

The Commission said the 112 emergency number has achieved complete availability in all EU countries.
"112 working everywhere in the EU is a nice present to all Europeans, and the timing is perfect: during the holiday season of hectic travel people will spend a lot of time in other EU countries. From now on I expect 112 to be an essential travel companion for holiday makers in every corner of the EU," said Viviane Reding, the EU Telecoms Commissioner.
In September, EU gave Romania three months to implement caller location services for the 112 number, so that authorities in charge can trace calls from mobile phones.
Romania announced late November that caller location service is now available for mobile networks as well, information verified by EU experts.

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