Education Minister Wants Shorter Winter School Holiday

Romanian Education Minister Ecaterina Andronescu said on Tuesday that the ministry is considering shortening the school winter holiday, arguing that its three-week length makes pupils forget class subjects.


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Education Minister Wants Shorter Winter School Holiday

According to the minister, discussions regarding a new school year structure for 2019/2020 are underway and planned to be brought into public debate.

“A lot of parents told me that their children on holiday on December 21 and remained until January 15, an extremely long period, it’s too much. After that they have three other weeks of school, the semester is over, they have another holiday and the next semester starts. In my opinion, this holiday is too long,” Andronescu told

The minister also said that there are intentions to modify the structure of semesters, and also to have summer exams – such as the high school finals – pushed earlier so tjat teachers would have an extended holiday.

Currently, Romanian pupils receive three weeks off for winter holidays, and also have a one week holiday between semesters in February.

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