Floods Disturb Railway Traffic In NE Romania

Railway traffic on four routes linking several localities in the northeastern part of Romania was halted due to floods which hit the country over the past 24 hours, passenger railway company CFR.SA said Tuesday.


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Floods Disturb Railway Traffic In NE Romania

CFR also maintains speed restrictions on railway routes in northern, eastern and central Romania. Special railway intervention squads are closely monitoring the areas affected by floods.

Sorin Popescu, prefect of the northern Romanian county of Suceava, ordered Tuesday the evacuation of all villages located along the river Siret, which exceeded its danger level by 61 centimeters. According to the prefect, the villages concerned are: Siret, Gramesti, Zvoristea, Beresti, Fantanele, Liteni and Dolhasca.

Floods have severely hit Romania - four people have been killed and two are missing in Suceava county, while seven others have died in the neighboring Botosani county. Overall, 18 people have died in the entire country since rain began falling heavily last week.

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