Former Republic of Moldova PM to Run for MEP on Pro Romania List

The former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Leanca, will run in Romania’s European Parliament election on the list of the Pro Romania party, the group’s chairman Victor Ponta announced on Wednesday.

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Former Republic of Moldova PM to Run for MEP on Pro Romania List

The party’s list will be opened by the incumbent European Commissioner for Regional Funding, Corina Cretu, with former Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose assigned the second spot and the former Moldavian PM on the third spot.

“I will assume a good result, which I hope we will obtain, I will also assume the result if it will be weak. I did this as a political leader until now, I have assumed both my victories and defeats”, Ponta said in a press conference held Wednesday morning.

The conference in which Pro Romania presented its list of candidates was initially supposed to take place on Tuesday, but was postponed after Mihai Tudose suffered a heart attack shortly before it was due to commence. The former Romanian chief of cabinet later announced that he was ok, while Health Minister Sorina Pintea said that he had two stents inserted following an “extended heart attack”.

Romania will hold its European Parliament elections on May 26.


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