French Carmaker Renault Opens Gearbox Plant In S Romania

French carmaker Renault Tuesday opened a gearbox plant on the platform of its local division Dacia in Mioveni, southern Romania.


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French Carmaker Renault Opens Gearbox Plant In S Romania

The plant, which engulfed EUR146 million, will produce six-step gearboxes for eight Renault car models and seven Nissan models to be coupled to gasoline engines of 1.8 liters and 2 liters and to Diesel engines of 1.5 liters.
The plant’s entire output will be exported.
Renault officials told a press conference Tuesday that investments in the plant will reach EUR214 million by end-2010.
The plant currently employs 342 people, but it will reach 440 by yearend and 660 by end-2009.

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