Hungarian Minority Leader: We Will Vote 2019 Budget In Form Approved By Committee

The leader of Romania’s main Hungarian minority party UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, announced on Thursday that the party’s MPs and senators will vote the 2019 state budget if it submitted in accordance with the report issued by the Parliament’s budget-finances committee on the project.


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Hungarian Minority Leader: We Will Vote 2019 Budget In Form Approved By Committee

“We pondered it and made a decision: if today or tomorrow, when there will be votes on the individual provisions and chapters during debates, there will be nothing changed from our talks, then we will support the budget bill in the final vote (…) We consider that, at this moment, if things stay as was approved in the report prepared by the budget-finances committee, this budget can be adopted,” the UDMR chairman said.

Hunor also pleaded for a fast adoption of the budget, which has been delayed for the better part of two months.

Romania's government adopted last Friday the 2019 state budget, built on an economic growth projection of 5.5%, which critics said is overly optimistic, and targeting a deficit of 2.55% of gross domestic product.

The combined chambers of the Parliament are currently debating the bill, with a final vote set to take place on Friday.

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