Interior Ministry: 14,000 In 46 Townships Left Without Electricity Due To Bad Weather

Forty-six townships in seven counties throughout Romania were experiencing electricity blackouts on Friday morning due to bad weather, with the country’s Interior Ministry announcing that approximately 14,000 subscribers to the national electricity systems are affected.


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Interior Ministry: 14,000 In 46 Townships Left Without Electricity Due To Bad Weather

According to Interior Ministry spokesperson Monica Dajbog, repair teams are currently working to remedy the issues.

This comes as nine counties and the country’s Capital were severely affected by rainfall, fog and sleet in the past hours. Due to the phenomena, the Black Sea ports of Midia and Mangalia were closed, while certain sectors of the Bucharest-Constant highway, eight national roads and five county roads were also closed to traffic.

More than 12,000 Interior Ministry personnel have been deployed to help the affected population with issues caused by the weather.

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