Judicial Inspection To Be Independent Autonomous Institution Within 6 Months, Says Justice Minister

The Judicial Inspection will be an independent autonomous institution within 6 months, Romanian justice minister Tudorel Toader said Wednesday.

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Imaginea articolului Judicial Inspection To Be Independent Autonomous Institution Within 6 Months, Says Justice Minister

Judicial Inspection To Be Independent Autonomous Institution Within 6 Months, Says Justice Minister

Toader said that the institution’s autonomy might follow a similar model from Italy.

The minister’s statements come in the aftermath of the controversial justice laws amendment bill. The bill stipulates, among others, that the politically appointed justice minister would control of the Judicial Inspection, a special unit within Romania’s Superior Council of Magistracy. The Superior Council of Magistracy is the country’s top watchdog for safeguarding the justice system’s independence.


The new measures have received widespread criticism from analysts, magistrates and both Romanian and foreign officials, who said the amendments would lead to political interference in the justice system and would wipe out Romania’s efforts in the past decade regarding the fight against corruption.

Following the backlash, Toader said the measures on the Judicial Inspection should be included within a new draft bill.


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