Magyar Autonomy, An Issue Romania Needs To Deal With -Official

Laszlo Tokes, president of the National Council of Magyars in Transylvania, said that the autonomy of the Magyar minority in Romania is a domestic problem the country needs to solve.


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Magyar Autonomy, An Issue Romania Needs To Deal With -Official

Tokes told journalists present at the meeting of the National Szeckler Council that Romanian and Hungarian authorities have to reach an agreement regarding the statute of the Hungarian community, the Szeckler county respectively.

Tokes said that only through autonomy, understanding and mutual consensus might a country prevent conflict situations and regulate the issue of the minorities that live there.

Laszlo Tokes highlighted the fact that the declaration of independence of the Kosovo province indirectly shows that the right of minorities has finally been recognized. He said that, taking the Kosovo model, the Magyar community in Romania might also ask to become autonomous.

Tokes said that autonomy ensures the right of a community to self-determination. The official said that Magyars in Transylvania are an example of the peaceful fight for the collective rights of minorities.

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