Medical Staff Facing Emergency Cases To Benefit From Telemedicine Support – Health Min

Romania’s Health Ministry finished a EUR1 million telemedicine project for emergency cases that will be available in seven counties and will offer assistance to medical staff working in small hospitals or hospitals dealing with a lack of doctors, Health Minister Ion Bazac said Thursday.


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Medical Staff Facing Emergency Cases To Benefit From Telemedicine Support – Health Min

Bazac said several projects meant to improve medical infrastructure have been concluded this year and one of them refers to introducing telemedicine to provide assistance for medical staff dealing with emergency cases.

Bazac added this project aims at providing aid for medical staff working in small hospitals and hospitals that do not have enough personnel to manage emergency situations.

Bazac added the program also includes the procurement of emergency medical equipment worth EUR10 million, setting up six centers where medical staff will be taught certain diagnosis procedures in emergency cases, as well as buying eight ambulances to transport contagious patients.

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