Ministry Of European Affairs Can Prevent Romania From Losing EU Funds - PM

The Ministry of European Affairs will give a boost to EU fund absorption and prevent Romania from losing these funds, therefore the Parliament's vote to create the new ministry is in the country's interest, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.


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Ministry Of European Affairs Can Prevent Romania From Losing EU Funds - PM

In his speech in a joint session of the two houses of Parliament, Boc also said the vote is needed in order to allow mayors of all political stripes to implement European projects.

According to his data, applications have been filed for structural funds worth a total EUR56 billion. The total value of contracts approved is EUR21 billion; projects have been signed for only EUR14 billion.

The Parliament's committees for administration and European affairs on Monday endorsed Minister for European Affairs nominee Leonard Orban with a majority of votes. The new ministry needs to receive 236 votes from the MPs to be created.

Social democrat leader Victor Ponta announced last week that the opposition will not vote for the creation of a ministry in charge of European funds.

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