One Romanian Dead, Ten Injured In Car Crash In Hungary – Foreign Ministry

One Romanian national died and ten were injured in a car accident that occured Monday morning in Hungary, on a road close to the Romanian border, Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry said Monday.


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One Romanian Dead, Ten Injured In Car Crash In Hungary – Foreign Ministry

According to the ministry, three Romanian microbuses and one motor coach were involved in a car crash which resulted in one fatality.

Border police officials in Bihor, western Romania, told MEDIAFAX earlier that one Romanian national died and ten were injured in the car crash that occured on a road 30 kilometers from the border with Romania.

According to the police, a microbus transporting Romanian citizens and heading for the cross-border point in Bors, western Romania, crashed into a motor coach and overturned, ending up on the opposite lane. A second microbus also carrying Romanians came close from behind, could not avoid the impact with the motor coach and capsized into a ditch along the road.

The police said the injured passengers were hospitalized and the car traffic in the area was halted.

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