Patriciu, Becali, Tiriac, Romania’s Richest In 2007 - Capital

Romanian oil tycoon Dinu Patriciu gained the first position in the top 300 richest Romanians published by "Capital" magazine, with an estimated wealth of $3.1-3.3 billion, followed by football club owner Gigi Becali ($2.8-3 billion) and businessman Ion Tiriac with an estimated $2.2-2.4 billion.

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Patriciu, Becali, Tiriac, Romania’s Richest In 2007 - Capital

Patriciu climbed to the top spot from the eighth position last year, after he sold a 75% stake in his Dutch-registered oil company Rompetrol to Kazak state energy company KazMunaiGaz.
Bacali ranked third last year with an estimated $900-950 million, while Tiriac was second with $1.2-1.5 billion.
The fourth spot this year went to businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu ($2.1-2.3 billion), who kept his position from 2006, when his wealth had been estimated at $850-900 million.
The fifth position is held by the Micula brothers ($1.9-2.1 billion), up one position from last year, when they had an estimated $750-770 million.

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