Pet Shop Boys Give Strict Instructions Regarding Bucharest Concert
The management of the Pet Shop Boys asked for at least five secured dressing rooms to be put at the disposal of the band and staff for the concert to take place on November 25 at Sala Palatului, in Romania’s capital city of Bucharest.
Pet Shop Boys Give Strict Instructions Regarding Bucharest Concert
Located and arranged in such a manner to allow one entrance towards the stage, the dressing rooms reserved for the Pet Shop Boys members Chris Lowe and Neil Tennant must be equipped with a large mirror, a table, two couches, four comfortable chairs, at least two power generators and private restrooms.
Moreover, the concert’s organizers have to provide the group with a production office.
The concert the Pet Shop Boys will give at Sala Palatului will take place Sunday starting 19:30 local time. The tickets for the show with prices between RON100, RON150, RON200, RON250, RON300 and RON500 can be purchased from Sala Palatului, the Muzica shop, the Carrefour networks, the National Theatre, the Nottara Theatre and subway stations Unirea 1 and 2. Tickets can also be found on websites, and
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