President Enacts Bill Which Gives Parliament Control Of Top Communications Regulator

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis enacted on Friday a bill which gives the Parliament the powers to appoint and dismiss the management of the country’s top communications regulator ANCOM.


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President Enacts Bill Which Gives Parliament Control Of Top Communications Regulator

According to the new bill, ANCOM will be led by a chairman and two deputy-chairmen, who will be appointed with the majority of the votes in the combined chambers of the Parliament.

The same procedure will apply to dismissing the agency’s management. Both procedures can be launched at the proposal of the Lower Chamber's Committee for Information Technology and Communications and the Senate’s Economic, Industries and Services Committee.

The President was required to enact the bill, which excludes him from the procedures, after the Constitutional Court rejected his latest challenge on the matter. Previously, the President appointed and dismissed ANCOM's management, at the proposal of the Government.

The current chairman of ANCOM is former Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, whose term is set to expire in 2023.


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