Prosecutors Raid TAROM Headquarters on Embezzlement Suspicions

Prosecutors from Romania’s top anti-organized crime agency DIICOT carried out searches at the headquarters of the country’s flag carrier airline TAROM on Tuesday morning, for suspicions of embezzlement, judicial sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Prosecutors Raid TAROM Headquarters on Embezzlement Suspicions

According to the sources, a union leader and several mechanics are targeted by the operation. They added that prosecutors are also investigating a possible organized crime group within the company.

Authorities confiscated several documents from the company’s Technical Directorate regarding TAROM assets.

The airline announced on Tuesday afternoon that its flight schedule was not affected by the searches, and operations will continue in normal conditions throughout the day.

DIICOT announced later in the day that it carried out a number of 25 raids in Bucharest and the counties of Ilfov, Prahova, Dambovia and Brasov in the case, regarding acts of embezzlement and corruption.

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila sent her own Internal Affairs team at the arilrine to verify the rules governing its administration and control system and the circumstances of two Airbus A310 planes sales in 2019.

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