Recording Apparently Showing DNA Prosecutors Plotting Indictment Of Judges Leads To Criminal Case

Romania’s General Prosecutor’s Office announced on Friday evening that it opened a criminal case regarding a recording which apparently shows Oradea anticorruption prosecutors plotting criminal cases against judges in the county, with the purpose to intimidate them.


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Recording Apparently Showing DNA Prosecutors Plotting Indictment Of Judges Leads To Criminal Case

The case was launched following a report made by an unnamed NGO.

The recording in question, published by lawyer Razvan Doseanu, appears to show several National Anticorruption Direction (DNA) Oradea prosecutors discussing how to intimidate judges, including by means of prosecution, to influence their verdicts in certain cases.

While the lawyer says on the website of his law firm that he does not know if the recording is authentic, he requested a point of view from DNA Oradea on the matter, and also stated that he recognized the voices of the prosecutors heard in the recording.

The lawyer said that arrests should be made at DNA Oradea if the recording is proven to be authentic.


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