Romania Labor Min, Social Partners Meet For Talks On Job Openings May 19

Romanian Labor Minister Marian Sarbu is to meet the representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations on May 19 to talk about the unionists’ proposals concerning job openings and keeping the existing ones, unionists said Thursday.


Imaginea articolului Romania Labor Min, Social Partners Meet For Talks On Job Openings May 19

Romania Labor Min, Social Partners Meet For Talks On Job Openings May 19

According to Dumitru Costin, leader of the National Union Bloc (BNS), the unionists have filed a memo regarding their demands at the Labor Ministry’s headquarters, after a protest staged earlier Thursday.
Costin said the unionists are ready to resume protests if the talks with the authorities will not produce the desired results, while he appreciated Sarbu’s “openness” to negotiations.
More than 7,000 people attended a protest march in Bucharest earlier Thursday, demanding to keep their jobs and affordable prices of basic products and services.

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