Romania’s Constitutional Court Asks Recount Of Null Votes Be Made By Monday

Romania’s Constitutional Court urged the Central Electoral Bureau to reexamine and recount null votes by Monday at 3 p.m.


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Romania’s Constitutional Court Asks Recount Of Null Votes Be Made By Monday

The Electoral Bureau asked the Constitutional Court to mention if the recounting of null votes must be made by the central bureau or by the county electorale bureaus. The institution said it received the Constitutional Court's ruling to reexamine and recount the null votes to establish whether presidential election reports are accurate.

The decision ruled by the Constitutional Court said the null voting ballots are at the moment deposited in the archives of county courts.

Liberal deputy Vice-president Ludovic Orban said Friday the Central Electoral Bureau president Hermina Iancu infringed the decision ruled by the Constitutional Court by deciding the null votes will be recounted by county electoral bureaus and not by the central bureau in capital city Bucharest as the Court required.

The Romanian Constitutional Court Friday ordered the Central Electoral Bureau to recount null votes, so as to determine if election night reports are accurate.

This decision was taken by a majority of votes in Friday's plenary session.

According to the Central Electoral Bureau report on the presidential election results, there were 138,476 null votes in the runoff. Incumbent President Traian Basescu got 70,040 votes more than his social democrat rival Mircea Geoana.

The Romanian Social Democratic Party submitted Tuesday to the Constitutional Court their request to annul and repeat the presidential elections runoff.

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