Romania’s Electricity Consumption Seen Up 1% In 2010 - Transelectrica

Romania's electric power consumption might increase by 1% in 2010, after an 8.3% fall last year, according to Octavian Lohan, deputy general manager of state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO).


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Romania’s Electricity Consumption Seen Up 1% In 2010 - Transelectrica

The electricity consumption was at 55.2 TWh in 2009, and it is estimated at 55.5 TWh this year, Lohan said.

He added that 2010 is considered a normal year from consumption point of view, compared with 2009, when the electric power demand was impacted by the financial crisis as numerous big energy consumers were closed down or reduced their operations.

A first sign of recovery was in December, when the energy consumption was 1.2% higher than in December 2008.

In 2009, Romania's net electricity exports were at 284 MW, compared with 505 MW in 2008, and exports are expected to slightly hike at 300 MW this year, Lohan said.

On the Bucharest Stock Exchange Monday, Transelectrica shares traded at RON15.5, up 2% on the day, at around GMT1200, while the bourse's main index was losing 1%.

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