Romania's New Govt Able To Work After Social Democrats' Resignation - President

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Thursday the social democrat ministers’ resignation is not a good thing, but this is far from being a tragedy, and the Government can still function.


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Romania's New Govt Able To Work After Social Democrats' Resignation - President

Basescu said the social democrats' pullout from the government coalition is far from being a tragedy, although it is not a good thing.

The situation of the current government which has only democrat liberal members now must not be mistaken for that of a cabinet which has resigned or a cabinet which is dealing with a no-confidence motion that the Parliament passed, Basescu added.

Basescu said the Democratic Liberal Party rules the country alone at the moment and must nominate democrat liberal ministers to manage the political objectives of the other ministries, namely the objectives of the governing agenda.

Romanian social democrat ministers in the center-left coalition government handed in their resignations Thursday after President Traian Basescu endorsed the democrat liberal prime minster's decision to sack social democrat Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Dan Nica.

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