Romania Should Import Natural Gas From Russia – Fin Min

Romania will register losses of hundreds of million euros for the period between 2002 and 2012, as the authorities chose to purchase natural gas from intermediaries and not directly from Russia, minister of Economy and Finance Varujan Vosganian said Sunday.

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Romania Should Import Natural Gas From Russia – Fin Min

“Romania’s policy has been weird during all these years. We bought (natural gas – e.n.) from intermediaries – some of them from Germany – and not directly from Gazprom. Romania has to prepare for a serious discussion with Russia to solve this problem,” Varujan said.

He said experts of Romania’s Romgaz and Russian giant Gazprom already carried preliminary talks, but that an agreement will not be possible until 2012, when the current contracts between Romanian authorities and gas suppliers will expire.

Romania should develop stronger economic relations with Russia, following the examples set by Germany and Italy, Vosganian said. 

He said 40% of Romania’s current account deficit is due to bad economic relations with Russia and China, and that the country should improve these relations.

In addition, Romania should develop economic ties with India and countries in Near East and North Africa, Vosganian mentioned.

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