Romania: The 18th death from coronavirus, recorded in Huedin

The 18th death due to coronavirus was registered in Huedin, Cluj county, on Thursday. This is a 76-year-old woman suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes.


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Romania: The 18th death from coronavirus, recorded in Huedin

According to the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the 76-year-old woman was hospitalized on March 20 in Huedin Hospital, Cluj county.

The patient was transferred on March 22 to the ATI section of the Cluj Infectious Diseases Hospital, after being confirmed with COVID-19.

The woman had pre-existing conditions, namely high blood pressure, diabetes.

The first death in Romania of a patient infected with the new coronavirus was announced on Sunday, March 22, by the Strategic Communication Group, being a 67-year-old man confirmed on March 18 with Covid-19 at the Emergency Unit of Filiaşi Hospital. He was suffering from terminal cancer.

The following victims:

- a 74-year-old man admitted to the University Hospital in Bucharest, who also suffered from a pre-existing chronic illness
- a 70-year-old man - businessman, owner of a commercial complex and women's volleyball team, but also former deputy mayor of Piatra-Neamţ - admitted to Piatra Neamţ County Hospital, positively confirmed on March 19, 2020, and transferred to the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Iaşi on March 20, also with pre-existing chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure)
- a 72-year-old woman hospitalized in Suceava county Hospital, with chronic associated diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease)
- a 71-year-old man from Suceava, admitted to the Suceava county Hospital
- a 64-year-old man from Arad, hospitalized on March 20
- a man aged 65, admitted to the University Hospital Bucharest, confirmed positively on March 21
- a man aged 70, admitted to the Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Craiova, confirmed positively on March 19.
- a 59-year-old man, patient of Suceava county Emergency Hospital
- 80-year-old woman, patient in Suceava County Emergency Hospital
- 74-year-old man from Ialomiţa, admitted to Bacău
- 71-year-old man, admitted to the Suceava County Emergency Hospital
- 72-year-old woman admitted to the Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Timişoara
- man, 59 years old, admitted to the Suceava County Emergency Hospital
- woman, 80 years old, admitted to the Suceava County Emergency Hospital
- man, 71 years old, admitted to the Suceava County Emergency Hospital.

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