Romanian Democrat Liberals, Social Democrats Win 425 County Councilor Seats Each

Romanian elections officials on Friday said democrat liberals and social democrats won an equal number of county councilor seats at the local elections held June 1, namely 425 seats each.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals, Social Democrats Win 425 County Councilor Seats Each

The Democratic Liberal Party, or PDL, gained 28.38% of the total votes, followed closely by the Social Democratic party, or PSD, with 28.22% of the votes, according to the final election results published by the country’s Central Electoral Office.
Romanian liberals gained 279 county councilor seats (18.65% of the votes), followed by the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, or UDMR, with 89 seats.
The Hungarian Civic Party, or PCM, won 19 county councilor seats, while the Greater Romania Party, or PRM, gained 12 seats.
Overall turnout at the local elections in Romania was of 56.65%.

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