Romanian Deputies Plan To Wrap Up Work By Mid-Oct To Focus On Electoral Campaign

Romanian deputies plan to debate 233 draft laws, of which 32 emergency drafts, by mid-October to focus afterward on the electoral campaign for the general elections due on Nov 30.


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Romanian Deputies Plan To Wrap Up Work By Mid-Oct To Focus On Electoral Campaign

Social democrat Valeriu Zgonea, secretary of the Chamber of Deputies, said Monday the Standing Office of the Chamber of Deputies called on the leaders of parliamentary groups to urge deputies to finalize debates on 233 draft laws on the agenda as soon as possible.
Zgonea said the electoral campaign would begin on Nov 1, adding deputies plan to look into the 233 draft laws by mid-October to focus afterward only on election-related activities.
Asked whether deputies will actually be able to debate 233 draft laws until October 15-20, considering they meet in plenary sessions only two days per week, Zgonea said the "history of parliament" clearly shows that 400 draft laws were debated in a week, during the 2000-2004 period.
Zgonea stressed, however, that the Chamber of Deputies can call for sessions anytime after October 15-20 if the Government submits the 2009 state budget draft.

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