Romanian Far-Rightist Leader Vadim Tudor To Run For President

Romanian far-rightist party leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor said Friday he will run for president in the 2009 presidential election and pleaded for the creation of an opposition pole, to be called the National Antipoverty Alliance.


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Romanian Far-Rightist Leader Vadim Tudor To Run For President

The leader of the Greater Romania Party, or PRM, which failed to make Parliament in the Nov 30 elections, said he is in talks with unions and parties that “have something to say but no place of their own” to form the opposition pole.
Vadim Tudor said he wants to register the National Antipoverty Alliance in court. He declined o say whether he would run for president from the part of PRM or the alliance he plans to create.
"I will run for president from the part of the Romanian people and I will crush my opponents, as I did in 2000," he said.
In 2000, Vadim Tudor made it into the second round of election against social democrat Ion Iliescu, but lost to the latter.

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