Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote In Fall To Pass New Labor Code

Romania’s Government might again seek a confidence vote in Parliament, in September or October, to pass a new Labor Code, a social assistance code and the unitary wage law for the public sector, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.


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Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote In Fall To Pass New Labor Code

Boc said on public television the governing coalition will decide whether to seek a confidence vote to speed things up depending on these laws' adoption calendars.

"I will not hesitate to go before Parliament again to pass important laws," Boc said, adding he doesn't fear any no-confidence motion the opposition will submit.

The prime minister said after the Cabinet meeting Wednesday the Government plans to send the Parliament in October a legislative package to amend the Labor Code and the Law on trade unions, the Law on employers' associations, and the Law on collective contracts.

Under the Constitution, the Government may seek a confidence vote in Parliament to enact laws without following regular parliamentary procedures. The opposition may submit a no-confidence motion within three days of when the prime minister presents the respective law in plenary. If the motion is rejected and Government is not overthrown, the respective law is considered enacted.

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