Romanian Indicted Mayor Announces Plan To Resign From Office, Quit Party Leadership

The suspended mayor of Romania’s southern city of Craiova, Antonie Solomon, indicted on charges of corruption and intellectual forgery, Thursday announced his intention to resign from the position of mayor and leader of the Democratic Liberal Party branch in Craiova.


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Romanian Indicted Mayor Announces Plan To Resign From Office, Quit Party Leadership

Solomon said he is ready to quit his mayor seat if his public office is the reason why magistrates denied his appeal to be released from custody. The indicted mayor said he wants to be investigated at large as he poses no social threat.

The Court in Arges County will try on June 8 a new release request submitted by Solomon after the Court of Appeals in Pitesti, southern Romania, recently denied his appeal to be tried at large. Solomon's corruption trial was also scheduled to start on June 8.

Solomon was placed under preventive custody on March 3 and subsequently denied release on parole or bail. He is accused of having taken a EUR50,000 bribe from a major shareholder of the local PIC company. The former mayor is charged with repeated bribe taking and intellectual forgery.

Solomon was suspended from public office following his arrest.

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