Romanian Mining Industry Unions Threaten Protests Over Lack Of State Aid

Unionists in the Romanian mining industry on Thursday threatened they will stage protests as the Government failed to take any decision to support miners.


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Romanian Mining Industry Unions Threaten Protests Over Lack Of State Aid

Representatives of miners in Jiu Valley, a region in western Romania whose main activity used to be coal mining, said the 900 miners recently made redundant have not yet received severance pay and state-owned mining company CNH might not be able to pay wages.

Union representatives said the lack of support measures will trigger street demonstrations. They said the Economy Ministry did not observe the protocols signed with unions in Valea Jiului, which makes protests imminent.

Mid-September, Economy Minister Ion Ariton met with Joaquin Almunia, Vice-President of the European Commission and Competition Commissioner, and asked him to step up technical procedures to approve state aid for CNH.

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