Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Foreign Affairs Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for foreign policy and European affairs endorsed proposed Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu with 32 to 10 votes.


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Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Foreign Affairs Minister

At the beginning of the hearing Averescu said foreign policy must not in any way be influenced by internal political affairs.

Leaders of the Social Democratic Party, Liberals Party and the Hungarian minority Party said earlier this week their lawmakers would not endorse the ministers of the Cabinet proposed by the Prime Minister-designate Lucian Croitoru, nor will this government get a confidence vote in Parliament. The three parties have a majority of 65% in Parliament.

Proposed ministers will be heard by parliamentary committees this week and the confidence vote for the new government will be held Wednesday, November 4.

Romania's designated Prime Minister Lucian Croitoru said Friday he will seek a confidence vote in Parliament for a Cabinet of 14 ministries, headed by democrat liberals and experts.

Croitoru's Cabinet keeps Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, Economy Minister Adriean Videanu, Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu, Culture Minister Theodor Paleologu, Defense Minister Mihai Stanisoara and Development Minister Vasile Blaga, part of Prime Minister Emil Boc's Cabinet, which lost a confidence vote earlier this month.

The rest of the ministries will be headed by experts: Emeric Saghi - Interior Ministry, Bogdan Aurescu - Foreign Ministry, Daniel Funeriu - Education, Youth and Sports Ministry, Mihai Seitan - Labor Ministry, Adrian Radulescu - Agriculture Ministry, Cristian Vladescu - Health Ministry and Sulfina Barbu - Environment Ministry.

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